Fast Battery Charger & Saver

by Appsheat


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Fast battery charger and saver is a useful app that charges your mobile device at fastest speed. Its working mechanism consists of turning off background services that consume the battery fast such as Bluetooth, Cellular Data, Wi Fi, Auto Sync etc. Its interface is very simple and also tells the statistics about usage of RAM and CPU, Battery Technology, Temperature, Health etc.FEATURES1) FAST CHARGERBasic principleofsuper fast charger is that it turns off background services that drain out the battery such as Wi Fi, Bluetooth, Auto Sync etc and hence speeds up the charging process. You can also choose to turn some of the services off manually as well according to your requirement. With a single tap on the start button following icons are turned off.1. Wifi2. Brightness3. Mobile Data4. GPS5. Bluetooth6. Clock7. Auto Synchronization2) STATISTICSIt shows the percentage of RAM usage and CPU usage and tells the efficiency and health of your phone’s battery.Icons are as follows:1. Temperature 2. Technology of the battery used3. Battery Health4. Voltage5. Capacity of the battery6. BackgroundProcessesWHAT SUPER FAST BATTERY CHARGER& SAVER DOESThe adopter on connection with the mobile device starts charging the battery. At the very moment this app starts automatically and speeds up the charging process.For quick battery charging this single touch android app is the best app as it saves appreciable amount of time and it extends your phone’s battery life as well without harming the health of battery. This app works on all android based mobile devices.For improving your mobile’s battery efficiency and for battery charging it at super-fast speed this app is the best ever app and safest to use in your mobile device. Share your feedback and rate this fast charging applictaion.